Honoring Exhaustion

Aug 05, 2024

We know all too well the tendency to prioritize the needs of others over our own, what it feels like to push our limits, driven by a profound sense of duty and compassion. We know but often push aside or ignore the exhaustion that accumulates within us, depleting our energy, playing havoc with our emotions, and weighing heavy on our spirit. Our being was not designed to tolerate well the impact of unattended mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion.

What if we honor our exhaustion?

Treat it with respect, listen to it, explore it, welcome it like a friend showing up to tell us something important, asking for or in some cases demanding our attention. Within each of us is an abundance of wisdom which we can access if we just take the time to do so. But this requires one to pause, truly pause and tune into what the exhaustion is trying to say. It is there, in the pause, that our inherent wisdom speaks to us, providing guidance to renewal and rejuvenation.

Imagine your energy as a wellspring.

Consider what activities draw from the well, draining it and what activities replenish the well. Then go deeper, listen to your inner voice and be open to and welcoming to the messages available to you. Once you have had an honest encounter with what your exhaustion is asking for, your path forward becomes clear.

Renewing Strength, Abundance and Harmony

Then comes the next step, taking action. This can be the hardest part because it may be asking us to change things we have gotten comfortable with, even if they are not healthy for us. It can take immense courage to act on what your inner wisdom is telling you. It could be something big like you need to change your job, or it could be something simple like a regular exercise routine but in either case, implementing what you know you need is very different that just knowing about it.

Keep in mind, as with any intimate relationship, this is not a one-time encounter. Getting to know and getting comfortable in your relationship with your own exhaustion takes time and investment. And this leads to a hurdle that one must cross. The hurdle of “I don’t have time”. Many find strength in community, which The Nursing Way offers in many different forms.

One thing is for sure. That is, when you take care of yourself and experience the abundance, the joy of a full and flowing wellspring of energy, you will have no doubts about the value in the gift you are giving yourself. Giving to others from a well-spring overflowing with energy, with love, with joy, well… there is nothing like it!

Gift Yourself

Being a Nurse is not easy. Gift yourself regular check-ins. The best investment you can make is in activities that rejuvenate your energy and spirit. Need ideas, need help? Check out “Nurse Yourself” on The Nursing Way.

Check out our Video "Honoring Exhaustion" on YouTube!